TrainsFormation Logo mit sich begegneden Linien
  • Zwei Männer diskutieren etwas auf einem Geländer Zwei Männer diskutieren etwas auf einem Geländer
    we train and form your teams for successful transformations
  • Mann erklärt in einem Konferenraum vor Kunden etwas. Moderner Raum. Hell. Zwei Männer diskutieren etwas auf einem Geländer
    we train and form your teams for successful transformations
  • Mann repariert einen Zug Zwei Männer diskutieren etwas auf einem Geländer
    we train and form your teams for successful transformations


Tailored search and placement of executives and specialists through extensive and highly qualified network.


Broad expertise in maintenance and production topics and extensive experience in lean operations transformations.


Workshops on maintenance and production planning, prioritization, 5S, SMED change management, continuous improvement, etc.


Individual mentorship and personal development of maintenance and production employees.

About us

Porträtfoto von Andreas Wessely in dunklem Anzug mit roter Krawatte. Lächelt. Kurze dunkelblonde Haare.

„By combining consulting, training and coaching, we enable your teams to realize successful and sustainable transformations.“

Dr. Andreas Wessely
Managing Director, TrainsFormation

Our passion is maintenance and production. We are a team of experienced consultants who do not only possess a complete tool kit to deliver comprehensive analyses and innovative strategies, but also love rolling up our sleeves to dig into shop floor operations.

We have supported numerous maintenance and production transformations. We know how to design best practice processes on site and how to successfully plan and implement lean ops transformations, bearing in mind specific change dynamics and challenges.

We support all phases of your transformation, ranging from initial diagnostics(e.g. analysis of current processes, identification of improvement levers and potentials) to development of strategies (e.g. preventive vs. reactive maintenance), design of target processes (e.g. prioritization, scheduling) as well as implementation of the streamlined working methods on site (e.g. structured order management process, KPIs, team dialogues).

Only together with your teams, we are in the position to sustainably adapt your strategies, organization and processes to an increasingly challenging production environment. Therefore we heavily focus on the long-term development of your employees through training and coaching.

Flugzeug Frontansicht mit blaunen Linien gezeichnet. Im Hintergrund eine Stadt in blauen Linien


Trust and confidentiality are essential pillars of our corporate culture. Therefore we do not publicly talk about our clients. However, we are pleased to list anonymized examples of the extensive project experience of our consultants: